[Travel Tips] Flying with Finesse: How to Keep Your Cool in the Sky - Flightright

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Important etiquette on the Plane: you should avoid these Behaviors 

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Important etiquette when flying by plane
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The most important facts about “Etiquette on the Plane”

  • Being polite to the cabin crew with a friendly smile and gratitude shows respect and improves your own experience.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as alcohol has a stronger effect at high altitudes and can lead to unpleasant situations.
  • Avoid constant knocking and kicking against the front seat to reduce tension.
  • Avoid blocking the aisles and standing in the way unnecessarily to ease traffic.
  • Choose comfortable and loose clothing for traveling to prevent circulation problems and discomfort.
  • Wear several layers of clothing and sturdy shoes to be prepared for temperature fluctuations and safety requirements.
  • Adequate hydration is essential to stay hydrated during the flight and minimize health risks.
  • Behavioral rules such as following seatbelt signs and avoiding loud conversations or listening to music without headphones contribute to everyone’s safety and comfort.

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Who wouldn’t want to experience a stress-free and pleasant flight? This can be easily achieved with a little consideration and by avoiding certain types of behavior.

  • Rudeness towards the cabin crew: A friendly smile and a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ not only make the flight crew’s day better but can also have a positive effect on the quality of service.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol has a stronger effect at high altitudes and can quickly lead to unpleasant situations. It is better to stick to water or juices.
  • Constant knocking and kicking against the seat in front: This is not only annoying for the person in front of you but can also lead to tension. Better: a good book or an exciting film to distract you.
  • Blocking the aisles: Nobody likes having to squeeze through a narrow aisle. Keep your hand luggage handy and avoid standing in the aisle.

The above guidelines are just the tip of the iceberg of flight etiquette that travelers should follow to ensure a harmonious travel experience. For those who wish to embark on a deeper journey of discovery into the world of flight etiquette, this article offers a treasure trove of valuable tips for a relaxed journey.

From choosing the ideal wardrobe to recommendations for appropriate hydration, you’ll find comprehensive advice to make your flight an enjoyable experience.

Stylish and comfortable: the right clothing for your flight

Choosing the right clothes for a flight is not just a question of good taste, but also crucial for a pleasant traveling experience. After all, who wants to sit on a plane like a sardine in a can? Tight clothing is therefore a no-go, as the human body tends to swell slightly at altitude.

Clothing that is not designed for long flights can not only cause discomfort, but can also cause health problems and bring your mood to rock bottom.

To make your next plane journey stress-free and comfortable, there are some basic tips to consider when choosing clothes:

  • Comfort first: Choose loose clothing that offers enough freedom of movement. Jogging trousers or casual leisurewear have a clear advantage here.
  • Layering is the key: dress in an onion look! An extra jumper and warm socks can work wonders, especially when the cabin cools down.
  • Practical shoes: Sturdy shoes that are easy to put on and take off will save you a lot of worry at the security check and ensure greater safety in an emergency.

With these simple but effective clothing strategies, your flight experience can be pleasant and relaxed. After all, the holiday should start as soon as you board the plane, right?

Challenges due to unsuitable clothing

Freezing, cramps and co. – How to avoid the flight clothing trap

Avoid circulatory problems and thrombosis

Imagine spending hours in the air and your legs start to tingle like electric ants. Tight-fitting clothing can seriously restrict blood circulation, especially on long-haul flights. This increases the risk of thrombosis and quickly turns the flight into an ordeal.

Comfort counts

Who wants to feel like they’re sitting in rigid armor? Clothing that restricts your freedom of movement makes long periods of sitting a real ordeal. A suit or costume may be stylish, but it is rarely the best choice for a relaxed flight.

Problems with temperature regulation

Do you know this? You get on the plane and after just a few hours the cabin feels like eternal ice. The temperatures in airplanes can be uncomfortably cool, especially during night flights. Without the right clothing, flying quickly becomes a frosty affair. Nobody wants to enjoy in-flight entertainment shivering and shivering, right?

Recommendations for the ideal flight attire

Loose and comfortable clothing

Who wants to sit cramped like a sardine on a flight? Comfortable, loose clothing that offers sufficient freedom of movement and promotes blood circulation is the key. Jogging trousers or casual leisurewear are desirable companions on any flight.

Several layers of clothing

A flight can be a rollercoaster ride in terms of temperature. An extra jumper and warm socks are worth their weight in gold. Not only do they serve as a substitute for a blanket (and we all know how thin they often are), but they also provide a cozy feeling when it gets chilly in the cabin. The onion look makes it possible!

Reduce jewelry

Jewelry and flying – not an ideal combination. Metallic accessories and tight jewelry can not only make the security check a test of patience but also massively impair comfort during the flight. A tight belt on a long flight? Better not!

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Sturdy shoes are preferable

Think carefully about what shoes you wear on your flight. High heels, flip-flops or sandals are not a good idea. These shoes do not provide a firm grip and severely restrict your mobility in the event of an evacuation. The aircraft floor could be slippery and dangerous due to oil, water, or worse – fire.

Choosing shoes wisely is not only an act of self-care but can also really help the crew and fellow travelers in an emergency. And please, out of respect for your fellow travelers: If your feet are smelly, leave your shoes on. No one wants to spend the whole flight holding their nose.

A few simple, thoughtful clothing choices will make the flight much more pleasant – for you and your fellow travelers. So make your flight comfortable and stress-free!

Behavioral inconveniences – this is where your general manners are needed

During a flight, people from many different corners of the world come together – and this is the moment when courtesy and consideration should rule the dance of flying.

To protect not only your own health but also the comfort and safety of all passengers and cabin crew, some behaviors are better left on the ground.

Adopting the best manners

From dress to personal habits, it turns out that a few golden rules can make all the difference. So, even if you’re on cloud nine, don’t forget to keep your feet on the ground.

Here are some no-go’s that should be avoided at all costs:

BehaviorSafety impactAnnoyance levelDescription
Being unfriendly to on-board stafflowhighRespectful interaction makes everything easier. A friendly smile and polite words can work wonders.
Ignoring the flight attendants’ instructionshighmediumThe flight attendants are responsible for your safety. Always follow their instructions exactly.
Failure to follow seat belt signshighhighFor your safety – Always follow the seat belt signs.
Standing up during take-off or landinghighhighAlways stay in your seat when signaled to do so. Standing up can be dangerous.
Leave your seat during turbulencehighhighIn turbulence, it is better to remain in your seat with your seat belt fastened. This will avoid injuries, chaos, and unnecessary stress.
Handle doors and emergency exitshighhighThese are only intended for use in an emergency. Playing with them is dangerous and can lead to panic.
Excessive knocking and kicking of the seat in front of youlowhighThis can be very disruptive and inconsiderate. Pay attention to the person sitting next to you.
Reclining your seat without considerationlowhighEspecially rude during meal times. Inform the person behind you before you recline your seat.
Standing up too often at the window seatlowhighStanding up too often can disturb the person sitting next to you. Plan your toilet visits well.
Leaning against the seat in front of you to stand uplowmediumUse the armrests to avoid disturbing the person in front of you. This type of assistance can be very annoying.
Lingering in the lavatory for a long timelowmediumOther passengers may also have to wait. Keep your toilet visit short.
Blocking the aislesmediumhighDo not stand in the aisle unnecessarily so as not to obstruct traffic. Keep your hand luggage within easy reach.
Disturb passengers with strong odorslowhighAvoid intense food or strong perfume so as not to disturb your fellow passengers.
Go barefoot during the flightmediummediumFor reasons of hygiene, it is better to wear shoes. The floor may be dirty.
Ignoring personal hygienemediumhighRegular hygiene, especially on long-haul flights, is crucial for well-being and health.
Sneezing and coughing without protectionmediumhighUse a tissue or your elbow to avoid spreading germs.
Loud conversations or listening to music without headphoneslowhighLoud behavior disturbs other passengers. Use headphones and keep your voice down.
Consuming alcohol during the flightmediummediumAlcohol can lead to dehydration and jet lag more quickly in the air. Water and juices are better.
Consumption of flatulent foods before and during the flightlowhighThese can cause discomfort. Easily digestible snacks are a better choice.

Food and drinks to avoid

Due to the change in cabin pressure during a flight, certain foods and drinks may cause discomfort. It is recommended to avoid the following:

  • Bloating foods: these include pulses, onions, cabbage and broccoli. These can lead to a bloated feeling and discomfort.
  • Odor-producing foods: Garlic and onions in particular should be avoided as they can lead to strong body odors.
  • Caffeinated drinks: Coffee, certain teas, and cola can increase dehydration and lead to restlessness.
  • Alcoholic drinks: Alcohol has a stronger effect in the air and can increase dehydration and impair sleep quality.
  • High-sugar snacks: These can lead to energy slumps after the initial sugar high has worn off.

Recommended snacks and drinks

To fly relaxed and comfortable, the following energy boosters and thirst quenchers will help:


  • Nuts and seeds: Not only are they crunchy and tasty, they are also an energy booster.
  • Fresh fruit: Apples and berries not only provide water but are also a crunchy refreshment.
  • Vegetable sticks: Carrots, cucumbers and peppers provide the necessary crunch and keep you hydrated.
  • Wholemeal products: Wholemeal biscuits or breads provide long-lasting energy, ideal for the duration of the flight.


  • Herbal teas: whether chamomile or peppermint, these teas are soothing like a gentle cloud and aid digestion. Ideal for a relaxing journey.
  • Water: The undisputed champion among drinks. Without sufficient hydration, you quickly feel like a withered plant. So: drink, drink, drink!
  • Coconut water: This could become the new favorite drink on board – rich in electrolytes and a great alternative to pure water.

Flight attendants repeatedly emphasize the importance of adequate hydration. You should drink at least half a liter of water per flight.

A few smart food choices can make the flight more enjoyable and less stressful. After all, the holiday starts as soon as you board the plane, doesn’t it?

Flight attendant’s insider tips

Flight attendants, the true heroes of the skies, have gained a lot of experience and are happy to share their best tips to optimize hygiene and safety during the flight.

Beware of unhygienic surfaces

Not everything that shines is clean! Flight attendants advise against leaning your head against the window. You never know when it was last thoroughly cleaned. They recommend using a paper towel to flush the toilet – your hands will thank you for it.

The right clothes for better hygiene

Shorts may be comfortable, but they also guarantee close contact with potentially unhygienic seating surfaces. Long trousers act like a protective shield against invisible enemies. So: style and protection in one, why not?

Toilet tango: precautionary measures

The aircraft toilets – small, busy and (not always) clean. Flight attendants therefore recommend packing sanitizing wipes. And there is a strict no to smoking, which is not only forbidden but also dangerous.

Avoid the fragrance tsunami

Hairsprays, deodorants, and strong fragrances do not belong in the closed environment of an aircraft. They can even trigger allergic reactions in sensitive passengers. So, less is more – for you and your neighbors.

Honesty about health conditions

If you feel unwell or sick, you should not hide this. The flight attendants are trained to help in such cases. The safety and health of everyone on board is paramount.

Bonus tip: The art of proper planning

A well-planned flight is half the battle. Think about snacks, drinks, and the right choice of music to arrive relaxed and stress-free.

With these tips, you can not only make the journey more pleasant for yourself but also for everyone else on board. A little consideration here, a little hygiene awareness there, and your holiday will begin stress-free – right from boarding.

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